


Registration is required to participate INDONESIA INVESTIMENT FORUM
Click the "Register in English" button at the bottom of this page and please fill in all of the required information on the Registration Form. Nikkei Inc. ("Nikkei") handles the registration procedures of this forum as one of the organizers.



After you complete on-line application, an "Application Confirmation E-mail" will be sent to your E-mail address from the system automatically.
If you have not received an "Application Confirmation E-mail" within twenty-four hours of application, please contact the secretariat by E-mail.



Please note that "INDONESIA INVESTIMENT FORUM" may be changed / cancelled without prior notification due to various reasons.


本サイトは主催者のうち日経が運営します。本サイトでは利便性向上、今後の企画制作および改善のため、HTML等のタグや JavaScript、クッキー(Cookie)等の技術を利用した日経の外部事業者が提供するツールを設置しています。
Nikkei Asiaご登録後のデータ利用については、Nikkei AsiaのPrivacy PolicyおよびCookie Policyをご参照ください。

Nikkei operates this site as one of the organizers. This site uses some third-party tools such as HTML tags etc., JavaScript for convenience, future planning, and improvements. Browsing this website follows automatic access to such third-party servers, and each third party will obtain your access data etc. using cookies sent from each third-party server to your browser.
You may be able to refuse cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Refer to the "cookie" section within the "help" menu of the browser you use for further details.
List of information transmission to the third parties and opting out of third-party cookies. See the link below for information on third-party services (which send your browser cookies) used on our website and how to opt out from their using your information.
Information Transmission
For data use by the Nikkei Asia service after you sign up, please see Nikkei Asia Privacy and Cookie Policies.



  • 本フォーラムの運営および、それに必要なご連絡や資料等の送付
  • Nikkei Asiaご購読ご案内の送付
  • 日経が行う展示会、イベント、セミナーおよび日経が発行する媒体、サービスに関する情報の郵送やメールによるご案内



  • 第三者が日本と同等の水準の個人情報保護制度を有している国として法令に定められている国にあるとき
  • 第三者が日本の個人情報取扱事業者が講ずべき措置に相当する措置を継続的に講ずるために必要な体制を構築しているとき(日経は、第三者の相当措置の継続的な実施を確保するために必要かつ適切な措置を講じます。)


  • 法令、裁判所の判決・決定・命令、官公庁などにより開示を要求された場合
  • お客さまが法令や関連する規約などに反し、日経または第三者の権利、財産、サービスなどを保護するために必要と認められる範囲で、お客さまの同意を得ることが困難な場合
  • 人の生命、身体および財産などに対する差し迫った危険があるなどの緊急の必要性があり、お客さまの同意を得ることが困難な場合
  • その他法令で認められる場合


Nikkei Asia ご登録後の個人情報の取り扱いについては、Nikkei AsiaのPrivacy PolicyおよびCookie Policyをご参照ください。



You may be contacted by email or telephone for clarification of your registered information.
Nikkei collects personal information on the registration form such as but not limited to salutation, name, gender, date of birth, company/organization, section position, email address, address, telephone number, country/region of residence, the number of participation in past and "How did you hear about the forum?"

Nikkei uses personal information for managing, contacting and sending necessary materials related to the forum, informing you about your subscription to the Nikkei Asia, and providing information on Nikkei's events, seminars and media by email or post, but will not use a method that is likely to foment or prompt unlawful or unjust act.
Nikkei also uses the information statistically for further development/enhancement of future events and service improvement. However, Nikkei will not use a method that is likely to foment or prompt unlawful or unjust acts.

Nikkei will endeavor to handle the personal information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations.
Nikkei will provide your personal information to a third party only when we have a lawful basis for doing so.
The organizers may provide the personal information to the outside service provider(s).
They can only handle and use the personal information under the organizer's instruction.
When we provide the personal information to a third party in a country or jurisdiction outside of Japan, we will do so after obtaining your consent providing you with general information on the personal information protection system in the country or jurisdiction, excluding the following cases:

  • In case Japanese laws and regulations approve that the country or jurisdiction has a personal information protection system equivalent to that of Japan; or
  • In case the third party has a system for taking continuous action equivalent to the obligation of a Japanese business operator handling personal information. In the second case above, Nikkei will take proper measure for securing the continuous equivalent action of the third party.

Nikkei may also provide your personal information to relevant third parties to:

  • comply with applicable laws, court orders or other valid legal processes
  • enforce or apply the Terms of Use, any subscription contract/agreement or any of our other rights
  • protect and defend Nikkei's rights, assets and properties, including to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the Services and/or Ancillary Service
  • protect the safety, asset or property of you or the public

Nikkei Event Privacy Policy further details the handling of personal information for Nikkei-sponsored events.

For more about the use of your personal information by the Nikkei Asia service after you sign up, please see Privacy and Cookie Policies of Nikkei Asia.

If you reside in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (U.K.), please also refer to the Chapter 2 of Nikkei Event Privacy Policy. We always process personal data in accordance with the law, based on your consent, legitimate business purposes, contractual necessity, and/or legal obligation.

If you reside in California, please also refer to the Chapter 3 of Nikkei Event Privacy Policy.



  • 提供先の国 インドネシア
  • インドネシアにおける個人情報の保護に関する制度に関する情報


  • インドネシア投資省が講ずる個人情報の保護のための措置等


The personal information you registered will be provided to Ministry of Investment of Indonesia (BKPM),(hereafter "BKPM"), which is the one of the organizers of the event, and the information provided to BKPM will be managed under the responsibility of BKPM. BKPM will use the personal information to provide information on its various services, exhibitions, seminars, etc., and to conduct questionnaire surveys, etc.

  • Destination: Indonesia
  • Information of personal data protection system in Indonesia

Pp. 52-63 of the following research of Personal Information Protection Commission, Government of Japan outlines the system. Available in Japanese only. The link is outside of this website. The terms of use and privacy policy of the Commission will apply.
Indonesian new Personal Data Protection Law is currently in the transition period and will be more detailed in the coming two years.

  • Personal information protection measures of BKPM

BKPM will manage the information according to the applicable laws and Indonesian government administrative regulations.


Please note all applicants are required to agree to the above in advance.

申し込む Register