This seminar will discuss the latest developments and issues related to the Indonesian economy and investment environment for Japanese companies exploring business development in Southeast Asia in various fields such as manufacturing, finance and services, and start-ups. Mr. Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of Investment will visit Japan to deliver a special lecture, and other speakers will include experts on the Indonesian economy and journalists from Nikkei. After the seminar, there will be an opportunity to interact with related parties and build human networks.
- 開催日時
- 2022年11月22日(火) 15:00-(予定)
- 会場
- 東京都内(会場は受講者に後日ご案内します)
- Date & Time
- November 22, 2022 15:00 - (JST) *Tentative
Admission free, capacity of 30 people, lottery in case of excessive applications
- Venue
- Tokyo (Specific venue will be announced to participants only)
- Organized by
- Ministry of Investment/BKPM Nikkei Inc.
*(November 21) Speakers have been changed. The following speakers will appear in place of H.E. Baffril, Minister of Investment of Indonesia, and Ms. Puput, Senior Analyst, Bank of Indonesia.
2022年11月21日 現在
※敬称・尊称略、順不同 ※日本語同時通訳あり
Birth and Education
Born on January 1st, 1953 in Ponorogo, East Java, Amb. Akhmadi graduated as Bachelor of Engineering (majoring in mining) from Bandung Institute of Technology (Intitute Teknologi Bandung / ITB) in 1982, and then enrolled in Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, School of International Service, American University from 1989-1990.
Following the fellowship program in American University, Amb. Akhmadi became a visiting fellow of SEAP, Cornell University from 1991-1992 and visiting fellow of CSEAS, Kyoto University in 2004.
Professional Career and Previous Assignments
Amb. Akhmadi is a seasoned Indonesian politician from ruling party, the Democratic Party of Struggle (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan). He was elected three times as Member of Parliament from 1999-2014, and had been assigned to Commission IV overseeing infrastructure (1999-2004) and Commission X overseeing Education, Culture and Tourism (2004-2014).
In 2001-2004, Amb. Akhmadi was elected Vice Chairperson in Parliament (MPR) as a representative of PDI-P. From 2002-2004, Amb. Akhmadi was then assigned to the Indonesia – Japan Economic Cooperation Task Force, appointed directly by the Indonesian President.
Prior to his arrival in Japan as the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan accredited to the Federated States of Micronesia, since 2017, Amb. Akhmadi served as the Head of Policy Research and Analysts, Executive Council of PDI-P.
Interests and Hobbies
Amb. Akhmadi is known as an intellectual-activist. He was elected as the Chairperson of Student Council in ITB and involved in many other social organizations. He has an avid interest in culture and arts. He currently still serves as member of council for Historical Artefact Preservation.
Personal Information
Amb. Akhmadi is married with 2 children
荒川 大祐
日本経済新聞社 常務取締役 グローバル事業統括
- since May 2022 – present
- Deputy Minister for Investment Promotion
- 2020 – April 2022
- Deputy Chairman for Investment Planning
- January 2020 – September 2020
- Director of Investment Planning for Services and Economic Zones
- 2018 – 2020
- Director of Regional Promotion Facilities
- 2015 - 2018
- Director of Investment Promotion Centre in London
- Master of Marketing Management, Mercu Buana University
- 2014
- Leadership Visit and Workshop in London
- 1997
- Bachelor of Economics, Jenderal Soedirman University
岡野 陽二
三井物産戦略研究所 東アジア・中国室長
上野 渉
日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)海外調査部 国際経済課 リサーチ・マネージャー
鈴木 淳
日本経済新聞社 編集局国際報道センター、前ジャカルタ支局長
日本経済新聞社国際報道センターで新聞編集に携わる。1979年神奈川県鎌倉市生まれ。2006年一橋大学大学院社会学研究科修了後、日本経済新聞社入社。消費産業部・国際アジア部などを経て、16年~20年ジャカルタ支局長。12年から半年間、経済産業省のインターンシップ事業の一環でインドネシア商工会議所で研修した。共著に『東南アジア スタートアップ大躍進の秘密』(日経BP社刊)
講演1 ケーススタディ (16:20-16:40)
峯野 義博
ダイキン工業 取締役兼副社長執行役員
- 1978年
- ダイキン工業入社
- 1998年
- ニューヨーク事務所長、ダイキンUS社長
- 2000年
- グローバル戦略本部 マーケティング部長
- 2003年
- ダイキンシンガポール社 社長
- 2006年
- OYL社(マレーシア)副社長
- 2010年
- グローバル戦略本部長
- 2012年
- 執行役員
- 2016年
- 常務執行役員、グッドマン社〔現ダイキンコンフォートテクノロジーズノースアメリカ社〕取締役(現職)
- 2019年
- 専務執行役員、フィルタ事業担当(現職)、研修担当(現職)
- 2021年
- 取締役兼副社長執行役員(現職)、グローバル戦略本部担当(現職)
インドネシア大統領府 主任専門官
- 2020年 ~
- インドネシア・クリスチャン大学法学部(ジャカルタ)
- 2018年
- ボゴール農業大学 博士号(経営管理学)取得
- 2001年
- 米国イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校にて科学と政策経済学の修士号を取得
- 1993年
- インドネシア・クリスチャン大学
- 1989年
- SMAN 1、ジャカルタ
- 1986年
- ジャカルタ市立聖フランシスコ第一中学校
- 1983年
- ジャカルタ、SDN Johar Baru 2
- 2019年~現在
- 大統領府(KSP)主任専門官
- 2015~2018年
- 大統領府(KSP) 専門官
- 1996~2018年
- 財務省租税局
- 2007年
- 所得税法策定チームメンバー
- 2002年
- インドネシア・クリスチャン大学 助教授
講演2 インドネシア現地通貨の利用促進 (16:40-16:55)
インドネシア中央銀行 東京支店長
<Work Experience>
- 1995 – 2002
- Staff at South Sumatera Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2002 – 2003
- Head of Statistic and Economic Monetary Research Unit at East Borneo Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2003 – 2005
- Bank Supervisor at East Borneo Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2005 – 2010
- Senior Legal Analyst at Department of Law Bank Indonesia Head Office
- 2010 – 2015
- Chief of West Borneo Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2015 – 2017
- Deputy Director of Yogyakarta Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2017 – 2019
- Head of Advisory and Economic Development Group at South Sumatera Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2019 – 2021
- Chief of Yogyakarta Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- Bachelor Degree
- Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
- Master Degree
- Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
(as of November 21, 2022)
*Honorifics and titles omitted, names in no particular order.
**Japanese simultaneous interpretations will be available during this forum.
***Please be advised that agenda, speakers, presentation themes are subject to change.
Opening Address
Heri Akhmadi
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan
Birth and Education
Born on January 1st, 1953 in Ponorogo, East Java, Amb. Akhmadi graduated as Bachelor of Engineering (majoring in mining) from Bandung Institute of Technology (Intitute Teknologi Bandung / ITB) in 1982, and then enrolled in Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, School of International Service, American University from 1989-1990.
Following the fellowship program in American University, Amb. Akhmadi became a visiting fellow of SEAP, Cornell University from 1991-1992 and visiting fellow of CSEAS, Kyoto University in 2004.
Professional Career and Previous Assignments
Amb. Akhmadi is a seasoned Indonesian politician from ruling party, the Democratic Party of Struggle (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan). He was elected three times as Member of Parliament from 1999-2014, and had been assigned to Commission IV overseeing infrastructure (1999-2004) and Commission X overseeing Education, Culture and Tourism (2004-2014).
In 2001-2004, Amb. Akhmadi was elected Vice Chairperson in Parliament (MPR) as a representative of PDI-P. From 2002-2004, Amb. Akhmadi was then assigned to the Indonesia – Japan Economic Cooperation Task Force, appointed directly by the Indonesian President.
Prior to his arrival in Japan as the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan accredited to the Federated States of Micronesia, since 2017, Amb. Akhmadi served as the Head of Policy Research and Analysts, Executive Council of PDI-P.
Interests and Hobbies
Amb. Akhmadi is known as an intellectual-activist. He was elected as the Chairperson of Student Council in ITB and involved in many other social organizations. He has an avid interest in culture and arts. He currently still serves as member of council for Historical Artefact Preservation.
Personal Information
Amb. Akhmadi is married with 2 children
Daisuke Arakawa
Managing Director, Global Business, Nikkei Inc.
Special Speech
Nurul Ichwan
Deputy Minister for Investment Promotion, Ministry of Investment / Deputy Chairman, Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
- since May 2022 – present
- Deputy Minister for Investment Promotion
- 2020 – April 2022
- Deputy Chairman for Investment Planning
- January 2020 – September 2020
- Director of Investment Planning for Services and Economic Zones
- 2018 – 2020
- Director of Regional Promotion Facilities
- 2015 - 2018
- Director of Investment Promotion Centre in London
- Master of Marketing Management, Mercu Buana University
- 2014
- Leadership Visit and Workshop in London
- 1997
- Bachelor of Economics, Jenderal Soedirman University
Panel Discussion
Indonesia-Japan Partnership to "Recover Together, Recover Stronger"
Yoji Okano
General Manager, China & East Asia Dept. Mitsui & Co. Global Strategic Studies Institute
June 2018 - October 2022 Senior Researcher in Mitsui & Co. Asia Pacific (Singapore), Engaged in research on international relations, politics, economics and industry in Asia and the Pacific region
April 2016 Joined Mitsui & Co. Global Strategic Studies Institute
2003 - March 2016 JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization)
Wataru Ueno
Research Manager, International Economy Division, Overseas Research Department, JETRO
Joined JETRO in 2012. Worked in the General Affairs Division (2012-2014), Mumbai office (2014-2015), Regional strategy team (ASEAN) (2015-2019), and Jakarta Office (2019-2022) before assuming current position. At Jakarta office, as an ASEAN Regional Researcher, engaged in policy advocacy activities for ASEAN as well as support for Japanese SMEs in Indonesia. In the current position, in charge of macroeconomic issues such as GDP and the economic security field.
Jun Suzuki
Desk Editor, Former Jakarta Bureau Chief, Nikkei Inc.
Desk editor/former Jakarta bureau chief (2016-20). After joining Nikkei in 2006, Mr. Suzuki worked as a staff writer for Nikkei’s International News Center and other departments. In Jakarta, where he served as bureau chief/chief correspondent, he covered Indonesian politics and economy. Co-author of "Secrets of Southeast Asian startups" (Nikkei Business Publishing, In Japanese).
Speech Session
Speech1 Case study / Testimony (16:20-16:40)
Yoshihiro Mineno
Member of the Board, Senior Executive Officer, DAIKIN INDUSTRIES
- 1978
- 1998
- General Manager, New York Office,
President, Daikin U.S. Corporation
- 2000
- Department Manager, Marketing Department, Global Operations Division.
- 2003
- President, Daikin Airconditioning (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
- 2006
- Vice President, OYL Industries, Ltd.
- 2010
- General Manager of Global Operations Division
- 2012
- Executive Officer of the Company
- 2016
- Senior Executive Officer
Director of Goodman Global Group, Inc. (Currently, Daikin Comfort Technologies North America Inc.) (Current position)
- 2019
- Senior Executive Officer, In charge of filter business of the Company (Current position), In charge of training of the Company (Current position)
- 2021
- Member of the Board and Senior Executive Officer (Current position), In charge of Global Operation Division (Current position)
Albertien Enang Pirade
Senior Advisor, Executive Office of the President of Republic Indonesia
- 2020 -
- Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta
- 2018
- Doktor bidang Bisnis Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor.
- 2001
- Master of Science and Policy Economics from University of Ilinois at Urbana- Champaign, USA.
- 1993
- Universitas Kristen Indonesia.
- 1989
- SMAN 1, Jakarta
- 1986
- SMP St. Fransiskus 1, Jakarta
- 1983
- SDN Johar Baru 2, Jakarta
<Pengalaman Kerja>
- 2019 - sekarang
- Tenaga Ahli Utama, Kantor Staf Presiden
- 2015 - 2018
- Tenaga Ahli Madya, Kantor Staf Presiden
- 1996 - 2018
- Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, Kementerian Keuangan.
<Pengalaman Lain>
- 2002
- Asisten Dosen, Universitas Kristen Indonesia
- 2007
- Anggota Tim Perumus UU Pajak Penghasilan
Speech2 Benefit of local currency in Indonesia (16:40-16:55)
Hilman Tisnawan
Director, Chief Representative of Bank Indonesia Tokyo
<Work Experience>
- 1995 – 2002
- Staff at South Sumatera Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2002 – 2003
- Head of Statistic and Economic Monetary Research Unit at East Borneo Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2003 – 2005
- Bank Supervisor at East Borneo Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2005 – 2010
- Senior Legal Analyst at Department of Law Bank Indonesia Head Office
- 2010 – 2015
- Chief of West Borneo Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2015 – 2017
- Deputy Director of Yogyakarta Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2017 – 2019
- Head of Advisory and Economic Development Group at South Sumatera Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- 2019 – 2021
- Chief of Yogyakarta Bank Indonesia Representative Office
- Bachelor Degree
- Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
- Master Degree
- Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
Networking / Private Consultation

Secretariat of International Conference on The Future of Asia