21st International Conference on The Future of Asia

Thursday May 21 andFriday May 22, 2014


Shin Kawashima

Shin Kawashima

Professor, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Mr. Kawashima was born in Kanagawa Prefecture on April 20, 1968.


He graduated from the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1992. He furthered his studies at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo, and earned a master's degree in Oriental history and a PhD in literature. He became Assistant Professor to teach Asian Politics at the Faculty of Law, Hokkaido University, in March 1998 and Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, in October 2006. He has been in his current position since April 2015.


He is currently also Senior Fellow at the Institute for International Policy Studies; Academic Advisor for Sectional Committee 1 of the CSIS-Nikkei Virtual Think-tank, the Editor in Chief of the nippon.com, Advisor to the National Security Council, Cabinet Office, and member of the Advisory Panel on the History of the 20th Century and on Japan's Role and the World Order in the 21st Century. He has engaged in research and education at overseas institutions, including the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (Taipei), Beijing Center for Japanese Studies, Peking University, National Chengchi University (Taipei), and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He has studied Chinese/Taiwanese diplomatic history based on Chinese diplomatic archives and recently started a study on contemporary international relations in East Asia. His first book, the Formation of Chinese Modern Diplomacy (Nagoya University Press, 2004), was awarded the Suntory Academic Prize in 2004. He, among others, authored Groping for A Modern State: 1894-1925 (Iwanami Shoten, 2010), edited and partly authored International Politics surrounding Modern China (Chuokoron Shinsha, 2014), and co-authored Distance for Global China (Iwanami Shoten, 2009), History of Japan-Taiwan Relations, 1945-2008 (University of Tokyo Press, 2009), and Modern History of Japan-China Relations (Yuhikaku Publishing, 2013).


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