16th International Conference on The Future of Asia

Speakers and Moderators

Yasuhiko Ota

Editorial Writer & Senior Staff Writer of International News Dept., Nikkei

Boo, Kyung-Jin

Born on February, 1961 in Tokyo

1985 Graduated from Faculty of Science at Hokkaido University
Majored in Physical Chemistry. Then joined NIKKEI as science staff writer.
Afterward finished graduate school course of Night Science Journalism Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 
1994 - 1998 Washington DC correspondent, reported US economic policy of the Clinton administration, mostly on US-Japan trade dispute and WTO negotiation
1998 - 2000 In Tokyo, covered international trade issues, monetary markets, and Japanese monetary policy of Bank of Japan
2000 - 2003 Bureau chief of Frankfurt, Germany
2004 - Editorial writer and Senior writer at international news department